1. the law of cause and effect
– you get back the thoughts or energy you give, be it good or bad
– to get what you want from the world or yourself, ensure to give the same
2. the law of creation
– nothing comes your way magically in life
– to make things happen in your life, you have to take action
– you are the creator of making what you want, based on your intentions
3. the law of humility
– your current reality is the result of your past actions
– be humble to accept this fact
– and every action of yours in the present moment defines your future
4. the law of growth
– growth starts within you
– the only thing you have control over is yourself
– so, focus on you
– to shape the world positively, start with yourself
5. the law of responsibility
– you own what happens to you in life
– you are the product of the choices you make
– look inward to find the cause of your problems
6. the law of connection
– everything in your life, your past, present, and future, are connected
– who you are today is the result of your previous actions
– and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of your actions today
7. the law of focus
– focus on one thing at a time
– focus on positive values like love and peace
– it helps you not getting caught in the feelings of resentment, greed, or anger
8. the law of here and now
– to live peacefully, embrace the present moment
– it happens only when you make peace with negative thoughts and behaviors from your past
9. the law of change
– until and unless you learn from your experiences to do things differently, everything repeats in your life
– change gives you a new path to create a new future and to be a better version of yourself
10. the law of significance and inspiration
– every contribution you make will affect the world
– each one of us is born with a specific gift, mission, and purpose that only you can bring into the world with your uniqueness